Custom WordPress loop with pagination

In this tutorial I am going to demonstrate the way to customize the WordPress default pagination using the custom WordPress WP_Query (the Query class) loop.
Here’s a sample of WP_Query :

 * @param string $numpages
 * @param string $pagerange
 * @param string $paged
function custom_pagination($numpages = '', $pagerange = '', $paged='', $base = '', $type='') {

    if ($pagerange) {
        $pagerange = 2;

     * This first part of our function is a fallback
     * for custom pagination inside a regular loop that
     * uses the global $paged and global $wp_query variables.
     * It's good because we can now override default pagination
     * in our theme, and use this function in default quries
     * and custom queries.
    global $paged;
    if (empty($paged)) {
        $paged = 1;
    if ($numpages == '') {
        global $wp_query;
        $numpages = $wp_query->max_num_pages;
        if(!$numpages) {
            $numpages = 1;

    $base = ($base) ? : get_pagenum_link(1);

     * We construct the pagination arguments to enter into our paginate_links
     * function.
    $pagination_args = array(
        //'base'            => get_pagenum_link(1) . '%_%',
        'base'            => $base.'%_%',
        'format'          => 'page/%#%',
        'total'           => $numpages,
        'current'         => $paged,
        'show_all'        => False,
        'end_size'        => 1,
        'mid_size'        => $pagerange,
        'prev_next'       => True,
        'prev_text'       => __('«'),
        'next_text'       => __('»'),
        'type'      => 'list',
        'add_args'        => false,
        'add_fragment'    => '',

    $paginate_links = paginate_links($pagination_args);
    $paginate_links = str_replace('<ul class="page-numbers"', '<ul class="pagination justify-content-center"', $paginate_links);
    $paginate_links = str_replace("<ul class='page-numbers'", '<ul class="pagination justify-content-center"', $paginate_links);
    $paginate_links = str_replace('<li>', '<li class="page-item">', $paginate_links);
    $paginate_links = str_replace('<li class="page-item"><span aria-current="page" class="page-numbers current"',
        '<li class="page-item active"><span class="page-link" aria-current="page"',$paginate_links);
    $paginate_links = str_replace('<a class="page-numbers"', '<a class="page-link"', $paginate_links);
    $paginate_links = str_replace('<a class="next page-numbers"', ' <a class="page-link is-next"', $paginate_links);
    $paginate_links = str_replace('<a class="prev page-numbers"', '<a class="page-link is-previous"', $paginate_links);

    echo $paginate_links;

$paged = ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) ? get_query_var( 'paged' ) : 1;
$args = [ 'post_type' => 'post', 'paged' => $paged,'posts_per_page' => 6, 'post_status'=> 'publish'];
$query = new WP_Query($args);
$actionUrl = get_permalink();
 if ($query->have_posts()):
while ($query->have_posts()): $query->the_post();
custom_pagination($query->max_num_pages,"",$paged, $actionUrl);


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