The PHP builtin function implode(), is used to join the elements of an array with a separator string.
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The PHP builtin function implode(), is used to join the elements of an array with a separator string.
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To make a more free space in the web server, it is better if we delete the unnecessary files and folders. Cleaning-up unnecessary files and folder, time and again, manually is a tedious job.
Views: 686
Stress character or a diacritical mark is a glyph—or symbol—added to a letter. Example : afé, cliché, ôperàtor, Chloë, Brontë, coöperate, naïve. If the file has stress characters contents and if we are trying to import the contents of the file or display the content then the content might not be imported or displayed as it is supposed to be. In such case,
Views: 62
With the help of array_map() and array_filter(), empty array elements can be removed recursively from the multidimensional array .
Views: 547
WordPress has a function to determine the difference between two timestamps. Time ago can be implemented in the WordPress Post, using get_the_time() and human_time_diff() functions.
Views: 50